> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raasi Potluri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > which Tomcat version is the best and reliable version
> for me to learn and best practive Servlets and Jsp. I
> have tried to use Tomcat 5.0 and it has crashed. It
> was working fine before. and now none of my servlets
> are working. not even http://localhost:8080 I dont
> know whats wrong, it gives me following error

you have it - 5.0.28

what have you upgraded from?  did you change your environment variables?

if you've been going round in circles, try uninstalling TC and reinstalling
it from scratch.  you can sometimes get in a mess by changing lots of things
and its sometimes easier to start again.

make sure you set CATALINA_HOME in your environment variables, to point to
your TC installation directory.

make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to point to you JDK installation (not JRE).
for me this is "C:\j2sdk1.4.2".

test both the above by opening a new DOS window and typing "echo
%java_home%" and "echo %catalina_home%".  you should get a response like
        C:\>echo %java_home%

        C:\>echo %catalina_home%

It should work straight out of the box, so don't try to install your webapp
or change the config files at first.  Just start it up by typing  "catalina
run" in a dos window.  (Using this rather than "catalina start" keeps the
window open so you can see any errors on startup, rather than the screen
disappearing straight away.)

Go to http://localhost:8080/ and check that you can see the TC default page.
If not, find out why before installing your own webapps.

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