We keep forgetting that Before the war gets
unpacked, Tomcat checks if there is an existing
directory with the same name as the war file or same
name as the "path" attribute of the <Context> file,
and if it exist the war file does not get expanded and
it just attempts to work of of off the existing
directory (with same name as the war file).  At least
this has been my experience with tomcat since 4.0.x
     As suggested by others, to deploy a war file,
make sure there are no directory in webapps that has
same name as the war file. In addition, you also want
to delete the "work" area under  tomcat/work/xx/xx 
where xx is the directory where tomcat puts the
working classes, cache and resources.

--- Nick Pellow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using a META-INF/context.xml in each of my
> webapps to define
> Resource-Links to global resources defined in my
> server.xml. (Tomcat 5.0.28)
> Upon the initial deployment of the war, tomcate
> creates a copy of this
> context.xml
> under $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/
> called webappname.xml .
> When i then redeploy the same webapp ('webappname'),
> with a
> META-INF/context.xml,
>  does not get
> updated.
> Is there a means to enable this under Tomcat 5.0.28,
> or is this a security
> feature?
> Cheers,
> Nick.
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