
just to clarify:
so im running Tomcat 4.0b1, apache 1.3.19 on FreeBSD 4.2 STABLE , using 
ported JDK 1.2.2.
Having Servlet API 2.3 compiled, Ant compiled, Tomcat 4.0 compiled,
having this structure :

$ ls
ant             jasper          tomcat-4.0
catalina        servletapi      webapps

$cd tomcat-4.0/
$ ls
bin     conf    lib     logs    server  webapps work

I start  bin/catalina.sh start , logs files get created - no 
exceptions/errors, when trying 'http://localhost:8080' I get confirmation in 
the logs :

-StandardHost[localhost]: Deploying web application at context path /manager 
from URL file:/usr/local/jakarta/build/tomcat-4.0/webapps/manager
-Manager[/manager]: Seeding random number generator class 
-Manager[/manager]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
-ContextConfig[/manager]: Configured an authenticator for method BASIC
-StandardWrapper[/manager:default]: Loading container servlet default
-default: init
-StandardWrapper[/manager:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker
-invoker: init
-jsp: init

and from catalina's log:
HttpConnector[8080] Opening server socket on all host IP addresses
HttpConnector[8080] Starting background thread
HttpProcessor[8080][0] Starting background thread

then browser times out - saying page is not available.

Could it be due to missing war files( for ROOT, examples, manager.. )?>

Help is Greatly appreciated


>I've installed Tomcat 4.0b1 and get to run Catalina from
>But I cant get to work http://localhost:8080 ( no exceptions or
errors in
>/logs .. )

What happens when you try?

>I've installed Tomcat 4.0b1 and get to run Catalina from
>But I cant get to work http://localhost:8080 ( no exceptions or
errors in
>/logs .. )

What happens when you try?

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