I've had a development site up for a couple of months using log4j-1.2.8 for logging. I made several changes in the last couple of days, and something decided to set the default log level to DEBUG. Now when I try to restart the site I get 10-20 Meg of log messages. They are in launcher.server.log and the problems start when the startup script (tomcat/bin/startup.sh) announces

'Redirecting application output to /use/local/tomcat/logs/launcher.server.log'

the first messages into that log are at DEBUG level (they didn't used to be) -

[DEBUG] Embedded - -Setting naming prefix=org.apache.naming
[DEBUG] Digester - -addRuleSet() with no namespace URI

I don't know if I care about Digester, but sax spits out a bunch and we do need it. In any event, I don't like the log level changing without knowing why & without explicitly allowing it (tho' by deploying some jar or war, I've effectively ok'd it).

Any suggestions on an easy way to track down the culprit or prevent some random process of jacking up the default log level?

BTW - tomcat/conf/log4j.properties is still reasonable & I've found nothing unusual in tomcat/conv/server.xml .

Thanks in advance.

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