I'll give it a shot...

All JNDI resource lookups occur relative to some context. The code you posted first gets the default initial context, then looks for a resource named "java:comp/env" relative to that default context. It then gets a reference to a DataSource that exists within the context "jdbc/wms" relative to "java:comp/env"

You can ROUGHLY think of this the same way you do URLs... in a sense, the "java:comp/env" might be something like www.apache.org. That gives you a starting context. Then if you want to retrieve a particular file in that domain, you look it up relative to the domain (i.e., www.apache.org/tomcat.htm).

Same thing here... There is a hierarchy of JNDI resources, a tree structure, that has an initial context as the root. You then are in a sense constructing a path to your DataSource, and it might look something like /initial_context/java:comp/env/jdbc/wms (not exactly, but you get the idea).

Does that help any?

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Eric Wulff wrote:
I just returned from working on a tutorial at sun which I was inspired
to go over based on my lack of understanding of the code snippet
below.  I'm trying to fully understand what's going on.  Docs state
that the code...


returns a named object.  Best I can tell is that this is a reference
to a starting point in my directory... or something like that.  Is
anyone willing to explain what initialContext.lookup() fundamentally
takes care of when called?

Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
Context context = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/wms");


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