Apple's iTunes application and store is a good example of a private label
browser. The store is a web application (WebObjects based - very cool
technology). Instead of delivering the content via http://... They changed
the protocol to itms:// and registered their iTunes client to be the helper
application for that protocol. They conveniently hid the view source from
their web store.

Itunes is a pretty cool example of doing what you want.

On 11/8/04 9:52 PM, "Steven J. Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 09:37:09PM -0500, Dov Rosenberg wrote:
>> The only thing I can think of to hide the source of the page is to create
>> your own private label browser or perhaps load the source of the page in a
>> hidden frame and use some javascript to display the text you want. Not sure
>> why you would want to go thru the hassle - there are lots of ways to defeat
>> any measure.
>    You're right, this is futile, because it's trivial to get the
> source of the page, no matter what you do at the browser level.  The
> browser has to see the source to render it, therefore the server is
> providing the source, upon request, to anything that knocks at port 80
> and asks for it.  Getting the source is as simple as telnetting to the
> webserver on port 80 and faking the commands.  Or run a packet sniffer
> in the network you're browsing from.  Or run a logging http proxy on
> your own machine and point your browser at it.
>    You can't show something to people and keep it secret at the same
> time.

Dov Rosenberg
Conviveon Corporation

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