>I was wondering if there is any information available about 
>the benefits of
>deploying Tomcat with Apache (with mod_jk) over, for example, 
>using Iplanet by itself?  Or Apache with mod_jserv?

mod_jserv is a little deprecated and slower than mod_jk which
use the advanced ajp13 (connections reuse, SSL informations from Apache
provided, load-balancing)

>I am asking this as we are trying to get a standard environment, using
>Apache as our webserver, and am trying to information about 
>the pros and cons.

With Apache / Tomcat you could construct farm a highly evolutive

You start with one Box, hosting Apache and Tomcat and could advance
to Apache -> N * Tomcat. Later you could also use more advanced 
configuration with an Alteon Router -> M * Apache -> (N * M) Tomcat.

It will help you have a solution which could grow with load

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