Thanks for the quick prompt reply.

Is this normal to do, it feels like I am messing up the standard config and would the end result be that the url would display as localhost/overview.jsp
rather than localhost/testapp/overview.jsp

Would it be better to replace ROOT app with a mini app. For example say I have two applications running on tomcat could I create a third app which simply had a webpage giving links to the start of the other two apps

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

You need to make your webapp reside at context path "" (the empty
string, not null and especially not "/") in the Tomcat configuration.
That means you need to replace the ROOT webapp that ships with Tomcat
with your application.

To do so, remove webapps/ROOT, remove conf/Catalina/localhost/root.xml
if it's present, and remove all contents of the work directory.  Then
add a testapp.xml file on conf/Catalina/localhost, containing a Context
element like
<Context path="" docBase="testapp" />

Also set autoDeploy="false" in the Host declaration in your
conf/server.xml file.

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