On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 03:08:43PM +0800, Koon Yue Lam wrote:
: Now I DON'T want my client browse my JSPs, servlets and database
: structure etc ......
: I want the entire webapp (and database) deployed only by me and not by others.
: Is there any methods that I can secure my webapp to ensure my client
: won't deploy it to somewhere else by someone else??

Are you giving the finished product (say, a WAR file) to the client?
Then there's not a lot you can do from a technology standpoint.  You
could precompile your JSPs, remove them from the WAR, then obfuscate all
of the classes; but the database schema will still be wide-open for
viewing if it is setup on one of the client's servers.

You do have some legal options, though.

Consult with an attorney, have them draft a contract -- essentially, a
license agreement -- for the clients to sign *before* you deliver the
product.  Make sure it is clearly stated what the clients can do with
the product, and what are the penalties if anyone goes outside of the
lines.  (The "don't reverse-engineer this product" clause has been
standard in software for quite a while.)

You'd have a hell of a time catching someone in the act, this is true;
but this is a risk you take when the software will be run outside of
your control.



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