On *NIX, you should be able to firstly check to see if your environment
variables are being picked up when you start up tomcat with ps


$ ps -ef , or ps -auxww

might show something like

  tcuser 23134     1  0   Nov 04 ?        0:44 /usr/java/bin/java
-server -verbose:gc -Xms768m -Xmx768m ....

and take it from there


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 13 November 2004 11:46 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat and -server option

You might need a space here, depending on what else is being constructed
sent to the command line:


might need:
JAVA_OPTS=" -server

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mufaddal Khumri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 3:09 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat and -server option
> Hi,
> I have: JAVA_OPTS="-server -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms1g -Xmx1g
> -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1" in catalina.sh
> I just tried:
>       logger.info("java.vm.name: " +
> System.getProperty("java.vm.name"));
> and i get:
>       INFO - java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
> Why is the -server option not taking effect?

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