From: "Venkat Reddy Valluri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    I installed tomcat4.1.27 apache 2.0.47 on two diffrenet servers with
>    when I try to execute jsp's they processed  fine with tomcat.   But one
of my jsp's having a import(<[EMAIL PROTECTED] import
> ="Test"%>) of one java class( which is not included in any
package( I mean it is not having a package
>  name.i.e dierectly placed under the root directory).  Here I am getting
compilation error saying that it is expecting Test.;
>     THe same jsp processed fine with tomcat 4.0.4, apache 2.0.40 with
> Can you please xplain me Why it is bahaving like this

Somewhere around the move from Tomcat 4.0 to 4.1 and from Java 1.3 to 1.4,
things changed and you can no longer import a class in the default package
[no package statement] into a class that _is_ in a named package (such as
the code generated from a JSP).

If you're using the same JDK version on both servers, then my guess is that
Tomcat 4.1 puts a package statement on the code generated from the JSP,
while Tomcat 4.0 didn't.  You can look in the 'work' directory to find out
for sure, but it's irrelevant-- by the time you're deploying a J2EE webapp,
all of your code should be packaged.

Wendy Smoak

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