I too had bad time with this implementation because of  fact  I mis 
spelled keystore  as keystores 

what i see in your  server.xml is    sslProtocal is that required ?
secondly i think you need to give the name of keystore file not just 

check   snippet of my server.xml 

and compare 

 <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
               port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
           acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
               useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true">
keystoreFile="c:\birendar\mykey.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" 
protocol="TLS" />
see it this helps you .

Birendar Singh Waldiya
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Website: http://www.tcs.com

Jeffrey Trimble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/18/2004 12:59 AM

Please respond to
"Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


SSL and server.xml

I'm running Tomcat 5.0.27 and am having a heck of time getting a 
port 8443.

My firewall has 8000-8999 open.

Here is snipet from my server.xml regarding the connector for port 
8443.  Is there something
I don't see?

  <Connector acceptCount="100" enableLookups="true"
           keystoreFile="/home/dspace/.keystore" keystorePass="changeit"
           port="8443" scheme="https" secure="true"
           sslProtocol="TLS" clientauth="false"
           keypass="changeit" keystore="/home/dspace/.keystore"
           keytype="JKS" protocol="TLS">

I am not able to https://localhost:8443 at all.  Dead

Any suggestions for me to check out?


Jeffrey A. Trimble
Systems/Catalog Librarian
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, OH
(330) 941-2483

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