You may want to check if your SuSe 9.x has ipv6
enabled.  It slows down connectivity because it also
attempts to look up ipv6 addresses and that could
possibly be causing your timeout.  Try to disable ipv6
and see how it performs.
--- Quinton Delpeche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Greetings,
> It is me again.
> What does this error mean:
> "The time allowed for the login process has been
> exceeded"
> Is there a problem with my PostgresQL JDBC driver
> for the User Realm?
> This same code worked on a MS-SQL server... ...why
> won't work it here.
> The previous server was a SuSE 9.0 running Tomcat 4.
> Is there a serious difference in configuration?
> Here is the extract from my server.xml file:
> <!-- Context for Internal Systems ROOT engine -->
>         <Context
> className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext"
> debug="0"
>                  cachingAllowed="false"
> cookies="false" crossContext="false"
>                  displayName="VIP Internal Systems
> (Core Engine)" path=""
> docBase="/srv/www/tomcat5/base/webapps/ROOT" 
> privileged="false"
>                  reloadable="true"
> swallowOutput="false" useNaming="true"
>           <Realm
> className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" 
> connectionName="USER"
>                  connectionPassword="PASSWORDS"
> debug="99" 
> driverName="org.postgresql.Driver"
> roleNameCol="&quot;_vipRoleName&quot;"
> userCredCol="&quot;_vipPassword&quot;" 
> userNameCol="&quot;cAgentName&quot;"
> userRoleTable="&quot;_vipRole&quot;"
>                  userTable="&quot;_rtblAgents&quot;"
> validate="true"/>
>         </Context>
> The names have been changed to protect the guilty.
> I have to echo the the column names and table names
> with &quot; because I am 
> using PostgresQL which is ANSI 92 compliant...
> ...could this be the problem.
> Please help me. :(
> Q
> -- 
> Quinton Delpeche
> Internal Systems Developer
> Softline VIP
> Telephone: +27 12 420 7000
> Direct:    +27 12 420 7007
> Facsimile: +27 12 420 7344
> A day for firm decisions!!!!!  Or is it?

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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