Can you append the two together to get the desired result?


Tim Funk wrote:

getContextPath is the path name of the webapp.

For example, if my webapp is registered at /more. Then my contextPath is /more.

If I request /more/cowbell.jsp. The contextPath is /more and the servletPath is /cowbell.jsp.


Jack Lauman wrote:

I have an access control filter that is supposed to grant all access to users wirh the role of 'admin' and limited access to those with the role of 'user. Specifically a 'user' can only manipulate the data that belongs to them. It uses 'contextPath.startsWith' and the users 'id' (int) from the database appended to it to access their records.

If I logon as an 'admin' user it works fine. If I login using a bad password it forwards to the notLoggedInPage. It I login as a 'user' with a correct password it forwards to the noAccessPage.

I'm not sure what's wrong here and would appreciate any help in resolving this matter,

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