
u can do in following way

<map:match pattern="logout">
    <map:act type="session-invalidate"/>
    <map:act type="request">
        <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
        <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>


On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 Chris Chappell wrote :
>Hi there
>Can anyone give me a pointer how to logout a JDBC Realm  authenticated user 
>without closing the browser).
>E.g. I need a log out button with forwards to a goodbye page and does 
>something like  this (fictitious) "userSession.expire();"
>I've had a trawl thriough the docs etc and nothing springs to obvious use.
>Using SSL though don't think this would change anything re this.
>Chris Chappell
>(TC 5.0.19 on Sol9 + MySQL 4)

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