On Tuesday 23 November 2004 18:29, David Wall wrote:
> I have an existing PDF form (actually lots of them) and my webapp is
> querying a user for the "missing data" on the HTML form.  I'd like to merge
> the POST data into the PDF document and end up with a new filled out PDF
> document.  Has anybody done this or can point to tools that will help?


I don't know about merging, but my application generates and HTML file and 
uses a linux utility (html2ps) to convert this to Postscript.

Then depending on wether the user selects and e-mail address or fax number 
will convert the PS toPDF file using another linux utility (ps2pdf) and 
e-mail it to the user or send the PS file directly to our fax server.

Basically I create a mini-shell script on the server at run-time that looks 
like this:
FileOutputStream fisScript = new FileOutputStream(filScript, false);
PrintWriter pwrScript = new PrintWriter(fisScript);
pwrScript.write("/usr/bin/html2ps -U -O -o " + strPSFileName + " " + 
strHTMLFileName + "\n");
pwrScript.write("/usr/bin/ps2pdf " + strPSFileName + " " + strTempPDFFileName 
+ "\n");
pwrScript.write("/bin/mv " + strTempPDFFileName + " " + strPDFFileName + "");

I then create a command string variable:
String strCommand = "/bin/bash /data/intsys/training/invoice/" + strLedgerID + 

I then execute the script using this:
Process ls_procPS = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(strCommand);

Works like a charm. :)

Just make sure that the user that tomcat runs as (wwwrun pre 5) or (tomcat 
post 5) has read and write access to the relevant directories.

I use a similar principal when the user wants to view the file instead, all 
that I do is generate the PDF and then redirect the browser to the location 
of the PDF.

> Thanks,
> David
Quinton Delpeche
Internal Systems Developer
Softline VIP

Telephone: +27 12 420 7000
Direct:    +27 12 420 7007
Facsimile: +27 12 420 7344


The Roman Rule
        The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the
        one who is doing it.

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