Hey guys

I am using an ant build file to deploy to tomcat, and I have come across a strange problem.

Within my build file I have the value:

<property name="dev.context" value="/rms-dev"/>

which I use to give to the following targets:

<!-- deploy to the development instance of RMS -->
<target name="development-deploy" depends="development-create-war" description="Create a DEV war File" >
<deploy url="${rms.managerurl}"
password="${rms.webpass}" />

<!-- undeploy the development instance of RMS -->
<target name="development-undeploy" description="Remove application on servlet container">
<undeploy url="${rms.managerurl}"

<!-- redeploy to the development instance of RMS -->
<target name="development-redeploy" depends="development-undeploy,development-deploy" description="Remove application on servlet container">

as far as I can see this should deploy to the context /rms-dev. However upon trying to redeploy I get this message:

rms/build_local.xml [103] FAIL - Encountered exception java.io.IOException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context path / is already in use

Which indicates that all is not well. I take a look at the tomcat5/conf/Catalina/localhost/rms-dev.xml file and it contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/"/>

but I think this should be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/rms-dev"/>

So why is this happening? Why is the context changing from '/rms-dev' to '/'? Anyone experience this before? Or know what I am doing wrong? I am a complete newbie to Tomcat, so go easy on me!



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