> From: Chris Cherrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I have a client who is claiming that my software is slowing 
> down. I cannot determine why this would be.

Profile it - what's slow?  Start Admin Tools>Performance, add:

Processor>%CPU time
Physical Disk>Avg Disk Queue Length

Are you seeing high CPU use?  If so, a faster CPU is appropriate.

Are you seeing high pages/sec and high disk I/O (queue length regularly
above 3 for that config would be unpleasant)?  If so, add RAM.

Are you seeing high disk I/O without high pages/sec?  If so, something's
hammering your disk but your memory's OK... are you using a database?

Are you seeing none of these?  If so, check things like Windows
authentication - you don't want to be waiting for auth responses.

I know, I know, this is all just general Windows troubleshooting.  But
we can't give advice on improving performance until we have more
information on where the bottleneck is.

                - Peter

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