If you run tomcat in a cluster where all the webapps are identical, we use the exact same (copy) of server.xml for all the tomcat instances. So when one server.xml is changed - we copy it to all of the tomcat installations.

Then we rely on variable substitution in server.xml for items which might need to be specific such as ip addresses, port numbers, and worker names.

We never call startup.sh directly - we have wrapper scripts which set the appropriate -D variables for us.


Ryan Daly wrote:

On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 14:53, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I do it this way all the time.  The biggest pro is complete separation.
If one app gets whacky (heavy load, OutOfMemoryError, malicious attack),
others are not affected at all.  If one app needs to be upgraded or a
bug fix shipped, or its server restarted, again, others are not affected
at all.

How do you handle the server.xml and the other configuration?  Do you
start Tomcat with an option to read a different config file, or do you
have separate installations of Tomcat for each and every webapp?

Cons include inability to run these apps on the same port (this can be
overcome by putting a common front end, which I usually do with another
Tomcat running only the balancer app), and increased
monitoring/maintenance needed (which again can be mitigated with tools
like nagios).

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