
i am trying to enable jsp-debugging with eclipse 3, lomboz 3.0.0 and tomcat
5.5.4 (both working
as an eclipse plugin).
What happens so far is:
i write an jsp using lomboz, the jsp is converted to a servlet and stored /
copied to a folder
called j2src in the eclipse workspace (the folder j2src is created by
if i now call the url http://localhost:8080/mywebmodule/jsptest.jsp the jsp
is executed faultless
and in the j2src-folder the corresponding class file appears.
so, everything works fine, the problem that i now have, is that i can set
breakpoints for debugging
purposes in eclipse in the generated servlet-file under j2src, but this
breakpoints are simply ignored, which means the
servlet is fully executed regardless of where i set the breakpoints, and i
really dont get it why, since
my tomcat works completely in the eclipse workspace.

do i have to configure the tomcat to enable jsp-debugging?

i thought i had already done so, here is my deployment descriptor:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
stmodulezwei" path="/testmodule" reloadable="true"
src" debug="0"/>

here is what i inserted into the web.xml (in the conf-directory):

 any ideas / suggestions?.......i am out of ideas right now....
 thx in advance, timo

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