On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 08:56:26AM +0000, Julian Templeman wrote:
: I'm evaluating an ISP that uses Tomcat to host webapps, and am running
: into a security problem.
: Any webapp that uses FORM authentication triggers an error from JAAS,
: saying that it can't find a login configuration. I'm certainly not
: using JAAS, and have just been adding users to the tomcat-users.xml
: file. I've been able to confirm that this happens with even the
: simplest apps.

What does the ISP support team say?  If they can't answer, it's time to
find a new host. =)

: Can anyone give me any idea of what's going on here? My guess is that
: somehow Tomcat is configured to use JAAS by default, but since I've
: not used JAAS before now, I'm not sure where to look...

Are you in your own container?  If not, you could be tripped up by an
errant global setting.



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