On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 12:32:11PM -0000, Gokul Jeyapaul wrote:
:  I want to know wheather..
: can i make Tomcat read my own Deployment Descriptor and act accordingly.Like
: can i make Tomcat read my own XML file which is similar to WEB.XML and act in
: a specified way.

Likely, not.  Tomcat is a servlet container, which means much of its
functionality is dictated by the Servlet Spec (a fantastic read, by the
way, if you're new to this arena).  web.xml is the Spec-mandated,
portable webapp deployment descriptor.

:  Also i have a doubt that when we are using Struts Framework
: the Deployment Descriptor is STRUTS-CONFIG.XML How does Tomcat know that or
: realize that we are using Struts framework and uses the appropriate Deployment
: descriptor.

Tomcat doesn't "realize" you're using Struts; it's that the main Struts
entry point is a servlet, which is a component that Tomcat recognizes.
Review the Struts docs for details.

:  If we are able to read our own XML and make Tomcat work
: accordingly it will be more flexible.

What are you trying to do?



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