Just as Matthew Smith 19 months ago I have a similar problem with
'Invalid Direct Reference' error when I try to use the admin app with
Tomcat-4.1.24, installed from ServerLogistics CompleteTomcat-4.1.24
distribution for Mac OS X. This is when I go directly via Tomcat and the
8080 port. Apache doesn't seem to be involved.
It seems clear that here is a "tomcat" user with pw "tomcat" already, but
it is surprising that the documentation doesn't tell how to set up Tomcat
to use the admin pages. Is this a typical problem for all platforms or is
it a OS X specific problem?

Have you people got any suggestions on where to look for info on just how
to get past this problem and get on with configuration or do you think
I'll be better off learning how to tweak the files themselves. If so, I
need an online guide for configuration of files for cooperation with
Apache 2 and matching its virtual hosts. I've been googling and found a
lot, but not this part.

I'd post this to the ServerLogistics lists at google but some server side
error prevented me from registering. Please help if you have the info. I
need to put up my servlets and pages ASAP.

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