Benchmarking code running inside an IDE is worse than useless: it's both
misleading and a waste of time.  IDEs can do a lot of things
(pre-caching, pre-creating threads, getting DB connections, etc) that
skew results.  Test the performance of something as you would run it in
production.  If you think it should be faster, run it with a profiler
(not an IDE) to see where time is spent, and tune those areas as needed.

Yoav Shapira http://www.yoavshapira.com

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Pointer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 9:55 AM
>Subject: Performace differences when running application in Tomcat and
>I have a problem to do with the performance of a server process I
>developed when used in Tomcat, in comparison with running it in
JBuilder X
>I have a JAR file that is the server process, that when a method is
>from Tomcat takes 35 seconds to run, while the same method called in
>JBuilder X takes 12.5 seconds
>Why does Tomcat take over twice as long to run the same code as when
>from JBuilder X, and is there a way I can make Tomcat run the code
>Any help, explanation would be appreciated
>Details can be found bellow:
>The complexities of the method are:
>        - using a Oracle JDBC Thin driver, it will connect to a remote
>Oracle database over a 10Mbit connection and run a single SELECT query
>that will return 85 records. (The SELECT query is always the same)
>        - each record in the resultset will have a object created that
>represents it (each record has 129 fields).
>        - the record is copied out of the resultset and into the object
>using the meta-data provided with the resultset to identify the correct
>setter method for the correct field for each record.
>        - the resultset is kept open during the entire action and is
>passed with its cursor set to each object that then populates itself.
>        - after each object is populated the resultset cursor is moved
>the next record.
>        - this is done in a single thread (one object after the other),
>and stored in an array of objects.
>        - the array of objects are then returned by the method.
>The first and last line of the called method are logging the current
>To run this method in Tomcat (I have tried versions 4.1.24, 5.0.18,
>5.0.28, 5.5.4)
>I write a web application that I deploy as a .war file in the webapps
>I copy the JAR file into the shared\lib folder, because it need to be
>accessed by more than one web application.
>When a link on the website is clicked it calls the server process.
>(because I am only looking at the times within the server process any
>delay caused by the webapp calling the server process is ignored).
>It takes the same amount of time (to within a few milliseconds) every
>the link is clicked, so the compilation of any files cannot be causing
>To run this method in JBuilder X
>I run a main method in a separate project that has the JAR file added
>its Included Libraries.
>(I assume running this way is the same as running it directly to the
>at the command line)
>The code is run automatically.
>Both Tomcat, and JBuilder X are running on the same Windows 2000
>and no error or exception is reported during the execution.
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