This is an old post but I would like to thank everyone who helped out.

The problem turned out to indexes on the mysql database. I added index and 
everything runs great for my client on their small machine. <-- (This is 
relative: I have a client running a sun server -  dual 3.4 with 2 GB ram. 
This server runs my app fast!).

We will be using Netbeans profiler - JFluid to see if there are any other 
possible fixes or enhancements that we can make. I am always trying to make 
things run as fast and efficiently as possible.

Thanks again!

On November 29, 2004 12:43 pm, Chris Cherrett wrote:
> I have a client who is claiming that my software is slowing down. I cannot
> determine why this would be. He is running the following:
> P3 - 450 with 360MB of RAM
> with 2 IDE - 7200 RPM drives mirrored Raid 1 with Win2k
> I have found that any client running a faster system works great. Do you
> have any suggestions as to how to speed things up on this hardware
> configuration? example increase memory allocated to Tomcat.
> Thanks
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