FRANCOIS Dufour wrote:
hi to all

im used to work on windows im actualy tring to find were to set these variable under linux
sombody could give mee an hint ?

Other answers already were given, this is an alternative that *might* help if it is startup environment variables you are interested in. If you add a file to TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ and call that file "" it will run this file and set environment variables in it. I had to do this on fedora core 2, I found adding to individual files plus other ones already mentioned always left something broken. Add file TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ with these contents fixed everything for me:


export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk1.5.0"
export CATALINA_HOME="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30"

You can use an editor to create this file, then "chmod u+x" to make sure it is executable (linux can use filenames as hints but really has no defined name for type of file, chmod makes it executable).

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