Hello Wendy, tomcat sits inside jboss and handles the jsps and servlets. I guess this could just be a tomcat/apache question.

The reason I'm asking is because I know for a fact when you use RESIN (another j2ee container) . You can have your jsps and servlets sitting ANYWHERE on the server, like in the same place your static content is and setup apache to send those requests to resin and setup resin to listen for them ANYWHERE.

But when I use JBOSS with tomcat I have to have my jsp's and servlets sitting in the webapps folder specifically and map to them there.

Okay let me rephrase everything. I have a file in my /var/www/htdocs/index.jsp and I want tomcat to see it there directly not in webapps under tomcat. I don't want the index.jsp in webapps/root/index.jsp then map it to apache2 with mod_jk - I don't think it can be done by just adding a handler to httpd.conf...

Thanks for giving this some thought, I'm probably in the wrong mailing list and not making any sense

At 10:47 AM 12/16/2004, you wrote:
From: "B Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All I
> see online and in every example is how mod_Jk helps you knock out the
> :8080 but the apps have to be sitting in webapps.

No, they don't.  For example the 'manager' webapp that ships with Tomcat
does not live under 'webapps'.

>The reason I'm asking is I was hosting a site on a resin server and that
>server seems to have the setup I was describing, you can keep your apps on
>apache and just configure the http.conf.

Seems like it's more trouble than it's worth, to me.  But if you can come up
with URL patterns that need to be handed off to Tomcat, plus convince Apache
not to serve anything under WEB-INF directly, then I'm sure you could get it
to work.

What problem are you trying to solve by doing this?  (And what does it have
to do with JBOSS?  I skipped it initially because I don't use JBOSS, but
your question only seems to deal with Tomcat/Apache/JK configuration.)

Wendy Smoak

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