# ++++++++++++++++++++++BEGIN INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS+++++++++++++++++++++
# Jakarta ISAPI Connector Installation Steps
# I. Update the server's registry settings.  This can be accomplished
#    using either of the following two steps:
#    1. Merge the registry file hosting.isapi_redirector2.reg
#    2. Manually add the following registry entries:
#       a. In the registry, create a new registry key named
#          "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\
#          Jakarta Isapi Redirector\2.0"
#       b. [serverRoot] = [${JK2_HOME}/jk2-connector]
#       c. [extensionUri] = /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll
#       d. [workersFile] = [${JK2_HOME}/conf/workers2.properties]
#       e. [logLevel] = [INFO]
# II. Configure IIS
#    1. Using the IIS management console, add a new virtual directory to
#       your default web site. The name of the virtual directory must be
#       jakarta. Map this to C:\jk2-connector\bin\.  
#       While creating this new virtual directory assign it with 
#       execute access (scripts + executables)
#    2. Using the IIS management console, add isapi_redirector2.dll as a
#       filter to the default IIS web site. 
#       The name of the filter does not matter.  Use "jakarta".
#       The path should be C:\jk2-connector\bin\isapi_redirector2.dll
# [ 
#    Windows 2003 / IIS 6.0 ONLY:
#    3. Add isapi_redirector2.dll to the list of allowed 
#       "Web Service Extensions"
#    4. Check to be sure an application pool named 'jakarta' was created
#       under  "Application Pools\DefaultAppPool", and if not, create it.
# ]
#    5. Restart the IIS service ("IIS Admin Service")
#    6. Test by requesting http://host-name/jkstatus
# -----------------------END INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS----------------------

# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN CONFIGURATION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# The following configuration file describes a JK2 installation
# which does round-robin, session-aware load balancing across all
# defined workers.  Having a single work will balance the load on
# that worker.  This is the default, even if you don't spell it out,
# but it is spelled out here for clarity.  @TODO indicates a 
# configuration must be made here.  @OPTIONAL indicates an optional
# customization may be made.

# Define the status worker, used with the URI: /jkstatus 
# This is useful for testing the health of the connector, and for 
# getting performance statistics
# @OPTIONAL: if you don't want a /jkstatus report, omit

# (1) Create a logger.
# @OPTIONAL: You may customize the path if you wish.

# (2) Define a load balancer worker
# @OPTIONAL: You may add  "debug=9" for triage, if needed

# (3) Define a communication channel to tomcat
# @TODO: 
# 1. Replace "@TODO-tomcat-id" with the tomcat server host name
# 2. Update the corresponding tomcat configuration file 
#    Find the line '<Engine ... name="Catalina" ...>' and add the element
#    jvmRoute="@TODO-tomcat-id:8009" >.  The value of jvmRoute must
#    match the "tomcatId" below, or stick session load balancing will not work.
#    ** NB ** The value of the jvmRoute parameter must not contain
#             embedded dot characters (".") (i.e., the fully-qualified
#             domain name.)  Doing so will cause JK2 load balancing to fail.
# @TODO: Change the host name as appropriate
# @OPTIONAL: You may add  "debug=9" for triage, if needed
info=AJP13 forwarding over socket

info=AJP13 forwarding over socket

# (4) Define a worker which communicates over the channel above
# @TODO: Change the host name as appropriate
# @OPTIONAL: Changing the lbfactor affects the weighted round-robin 
# load balancing.  Higher numbers means stronger machine which will
# receive more of the requests.
# @OPTIONAL: You may add  "debug=9" for triage, if needed


# @OPTIONAL: Repeat steps (3) and (4) here for every tomcat server
# to participate in load balancing.  At least one is required.
# For example, if the load on the single server defined above
# is too great, configure a similar server, and repeat steps (3) and (4)
# to include the new server in the load balancing.
# --------------------------- END   CONFIGURATION --------------------------

# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++    BEGIN MAPPING    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# (5) Map URIs to be forwarded.  
# @TODO: For each context deployed on the tomcat id(s) above,
# define a mapping to be forwarded.
# @OPTIONAL: You may add  "debug=9" for triage, if needed
# @OPTIONAL: You may change the info= to be descriptive of this application.
info=JK2-enabled-application installed under /@TODO-application-context

info=JK2-enabled-application installed under /@TODO-application-context

info=JK2-enabled-application installed under /@TODO-application-context

# ---------------------------     END  MAPPING    --------------------------

# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /jkstatus MAPPING   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# @OPTIONAL: This provides a status report on the JK2 connector.  Remove
# if you don't want this available.

# --------------------------- /jkstatus MAPPING   --------------------------

-----Original Message-----
From: Dwayne Ghant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 12:21 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: workers2.properties for mod_jk2.so and loadbalancing

Maybe may thinking is wronge. I thought that there was a way to loadbalance 
using worker2.properties file. I know you could loadbalance using mod_proxy and 
mod_rewrite, but I was just wondering if anyone else had did it using the AJP 

One other simple question.
Does tomcat also know to look at $CATALINA_BASE like it knows to look in 

Dwayne Ghant wrote:

> Hey any of you guys out there
> have a good workers2.properties
> that I could use to model the
> loadbalancing functionality in
> my tomcat5.x/apache configuration .
> My current configuration is
> Apache2.0.46/tomcat5.0.28/mod_jk2.so
> Please keep in mind that I am
> using mod_jk2.so so that mean the
> configuration uses the mechanism modeled
> after JMX.
> All I have to do is take a look at an
> example of loadbalancing done this way
> and I should be fine.
> Thank you .


Dwayne A. Ghant
Application Developer
Temple University


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