I've developed a webservice running in axis on jboss 3.2.6 / tomcat5. 
Everything works fine.  Our test server uses apache as the webserver. 
When I put the application on the test server I get the following

(400)No client certificate chain in this request

I know that the client certificate code works, because it worked when I
was using the tomcat webserver alone.  It seems like apache is doing
something that keeps the client certificate information from being
passed to tomcat.

>From the Apache list they told me that Apache will be doing the client
cert authentication and will pass information to tomcat that the
authentication took place via environment/session variables

We are currently passing requests to tomcat via a proxy pass, but
would consider implementing mod_jk.

My question is, has anyone implemented client-cert authentication with
Apache as the webserver?  Does any configuration need to take place in
Tomcat in this type of system, or does Apache handle it all?

Any information is much appreciated,

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