Might also want to check the response and make sure it is sending the
right MIME type.  Everything worked fine on I.E. but when running
Netscape it needed the setting to display properly.  Hope this helps...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12-11-2004 06:33 >>>
A few possible reasons
- Use a 2.3 DTD in your web.xml
- web.xml says el is disabled for that page
- the jsp has el ignored
- you haven't included the fn tag lib (doubt this)


haimra wrote:
> I am having this wired problem driving me crazy.
> I am using JSTL and Tomcat 5.0.30. 
> Some times for unknown reason the JSP expressions are displayed as
> for example 
> The following command 
> <c:out value="${fn:escapeXml(param.code)}"/>    
> will display the expressions fn:escapeXml(param.code)
> and not the actual value of param.code 
> Any clue why this happens?

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