  I just downloaded Tomcat 5.5.4. binary and the
compat file. I then deployed the
tiles-documentation.war file by copying it over to
jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4/webapps/  and set $CATALINA_HOME
to /u02/tomcat5/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4  where I have
un-tar the tomcat 5.5.4 binary and compat.  Then I
opened the browser and point to
http://localhost:8080/tiles-documentation/   and it
works.  No mods to server.xml, web.xml nor created any
context.xml files.  FYI, I already have $JAVA_HOME
point to jdk1.4.2 prior to this.

I then shutdown tomcat, added role="manager" and
user="locuser" password="xxx" with above role on the
tomcat-users.xml file. Restarted Tomcat, point to
manager webapp, got prompted for login and password,
inputted per the above parameters, it works. Clicked
on the listing of webapps and it listed all of them.
Clicking on tiles-documentation from the list, it also

I then proceed to have manager list all the webapps
again, click on the undeploy link for
tiles-documentation, it executed, and I verified by
checking the  jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4/webapps/  and sure
enuff the tiles-documentation.war and the expanded
directory is now deleted.  

I then attempted to re-deploy same
tiles-documentation.war via the manager webapp,
filling in the box "Select WAR file to upload"
pointing to where tiles-documentation.war is, clicked
deploy, saw it deployed as it is listed amongst the
webapps, and click on tiles-documentation and it works

In summary, so far Tomcat 5.5.4 install and deploying
a war file seems smooth.  I then proceeded to deploy
Cocoon2.2.0 war file which is very XML intensive, via
same manager and it was a success. These war files I
deployed does not have its own context.xml file, so it
uses a default. 


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