I finally got mod_jk to comple on RH 9 for Apache 2, but the authentication doesn't work through the connector. If I go to port 8080 I get the login popup and am able to enter the app OK, however if I try to go to the default port and connect via mod_jk I get an authentication error. I never see the popup.

Here is from the log when it works:

2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Security checking request GET /resources/input
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[resources, resources1, resources2, resources3, resources4]' against GET /input --> true
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Subject to constraint SecurityConstraint[resources, resources1, resources2, resources3, resources4]
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Calling checkUserData()
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: User data constraint has no restrictions
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Calling authenticate()
2004-12-15 09:34:01 JDBCRealm[/resources]: Username jwl successfully authenticated
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Authenticated 'jwl' with type 'BASIC'
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Calling accessControl()
2004-12-15 09:34:01 JDBCRealm[/resources]: Username jwl does NOT have role user
2004-12-15 09:34:01 JDBCRealm[/resources]: Username jwl has role admin
2004-12-15 09:34:01 Authenticator[/resources]: Successfully passed all security constraints
2004-12-15 09:34:01 StandardContext[/resources]: Mapping contextPath='/resources' with requestURI='/resources/input' and relativeURI='/input'

and here is what it looks like when it doesn't work:

2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Security checking request GET /resources/input
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[resources, resources1, resources2, resources3, resources4]' against GET /input --> true
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Subject to constraint SecurityConstraint[resources, resources1, resources2, resources3, resources4]
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Calling checkUserData()
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: User data constraint has no restrictions
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Calling authenticate()
2004-12-15 09:34:56 Authenticator[/resources]: Failed authenticate() test

In my httpd.conf file I have:

Include /usr/local/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk_2.conf

That file looks like:
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/auto/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
#JkLogLevel info
JkLogLevel debug
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
JkMount /examples/* workerx
JkMount /resources workerx
JkMount /resources/* workerx
JkMount /tomcat-docs workerx
JkMount /tomcat-docs/* workerx

The jk log doesn't shed any light. It just indicates that a 401 was received from Tomcat when it didn't work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Jim.

Partial error from browser:

This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

Additionally, a 401 Authorization Required error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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