Hello Robert,

you can to this via JMX MBeanFactory ( createStandardHost, removeStandardHost).

public String createStandardHost(String parent, String name,
String appBase, boolean autoDeploy,
boolean deployXML, boolean liveDeploy, boolean unpackWARs,
boolean xmlNamespaceAware,
boolean xmlValidation)

Parent is the Service MBean ( example "Catalina:type=Service")

You can configure a JMX Http Adaptor
Add mx4j-tools.jar at bin/setClassPath.sh - CLASSPATH
Configure the JMX Http Adaptor at your server.xml
<Connector protocol="AJP/1.3" mx.enabled="true" mx.httpPort="9050" mx.httpHost="localhost" />

Access the MBeans via http://localhost:9050 and search for the MBeanFactory.


Robert Hunt schrieb:

Is there a way/example to add a virtual host programmatically *WITHOUT* having to edit 
server.xml (adding another <Host/> node) and restarting the server?  (If you're about to 
say, "Use the admin web app", then see this: 
http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg143691.html )

[TC 5.0.25 on Win XP]

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