On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 05:58:32PM +0300, Alexander Kitaev wrote:
: Apache is running in chroot jail. I've added mod_jk.so to the apache
: modules, included it into apache configuration (LoadModule), created
: workers.properties and added all the necessary lines into apache
: configuration file.
: When I'm accessing location that should be processed by the "worker", then
: mod_jk logs that worker could not be found and exits

In addition to rebuilding JK from source (as was suggested by someone
else), consider the following:

1/ any reason you're using 1.2.6? I thought 1.2.8 was out (though it may
still be in beta).

2/ chroots can be tricky.  Does your setup work outside of a chroot?

3/ since you're using Linux, strace should be able to help: use that to
determine whether Apache makes any attempt to read your JK configs.



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