On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 10:31:41AM +0530, Amit Gupta wrote:
: My Concern is that whenever I deploy finished application to give demo to
: clinet, I need to realod application at hosting server. As said I cannot do it
: due to lack of access to tomcat manager.

Chances are, they won't give you JMX access, either. ;)

Sounds like it's time to either 1/ have a chat with your web host and
see what workarounds they provide; or 2/ find a new web host.

My experience is that J2EE is a technology that's really designed to be
run/managed internally.  Put another way, there aren't yet a lot of
cheap, third-party J2EE hosting options that give developers quite
enough control (at least, not compared to straight HTML/PHP/CGI/etc
hosting plans).

Good luck.



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