On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 02:47:27PM -0800, Shankar Unni wrote:
: For JSPs, all is cool: <%= application.getInitParameter("foo") %> 
: returns these parameters.
: For Servlets, how do I get at them from the init() method? (I need them 
: there!). I find that calling config.getInitParameter() doesn't return 
: these (where "config" is the parameter to init() - it only returns the 
: actual <init-param>s configured within the <servlet>).

Which init() overload do you use?  
        init( ServletConfig )

Using the latter, you should be able to call:
        ServletConfig#getServletContext() --> getInitParameter()

The other poster had the right idea, though: create a ContextListener
that populates a local (app-specific) object with this data. Code
your app to fetch its needed info from this object.



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