Oki doki,
I got my servlets to work from tomcat using port 8080
(http://myserver:8080/~myacct/servlet/myservlet), but I still do not
know how to make apache recognize my servlets and send them to tomcat. I
want to access (http://myserver/~myacct/servlet/myservlet)

I tried to add these lines to httpd.conf
<Location "/servlet/*">
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

and also added these lines to workers2.properties


but still no luck! :( please help.

For reference I used the following taken from the web site:

Configure the tomcat "web.xml" file in your tomcat's "conf" directory.
You only need to do this if you are going to write servlets. After doing
this, you can put all your servlets into the subdirectory
"WEB-INF/classes" of your webapp directory. And you can access those
servlets with a URL like:
 Uncomment the servlet element tags with the servlet-name of invoker
(just search for invoker). 
Uncomment the servlet-mapping element tags with the servlet-name of
    <!-- The mapping for the invoker servlet -->

-----Original Message-----
From: Casas, Claudia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:56 AM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: servlet help

I am running tomcat5.5.4, apache2.0.52 and jk2.
1)I an run my jsp's and servlets from root. I have configured tomcat to
run my jsp's from the homedirs, but I do not know how to configure
tomcat to run servlets from the homedirs.

I can run my jsp's like this: http://myserver/~myhomedir/myfile.jsp or
Either way it works fine.
What do I need to add so that my servlets run from my homedirs as well??

These are my configuration files:


info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

#define the worker
# Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri space


# Uri mapping


I added the following in my httpd.conf also:

<Location "/*.jsp">
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

(Before I would just add the lines below in my httpd.conf, and jsp's and
servlets would work!
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*/servlet/ ajp13)

Also, I have the following in my server.xml file to run my jsp's from my
 <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig"

What am I missing???

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