Hi Greg,

Thanks, great idea, I'm certainly going to try it out asap.  However, at this 
point I don't think we're chasing the same problem (correct me if I'm wrong): 
In your case there is not really a crash, as opposed to my situation where I 
can see a message in the Windows Event Log + I also found a DrWatson dump 

I've browsed through the DrWatson dump-file, but there doesn't seem to be much 
useful information in there.  Of course, I can really say this being an expert 
in analysing binary data in dump files and all :-)

Seriously though, could there be perhaps some indicators I can use to be sure 
this is either a Jvm XOR a Tomcat problem ? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Lappen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: vrijdag 14 januari 2005 22:25
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat service crashes "unexpectedly", no trace in logs


I have been chasing a similar problem for weeks now with tomcat 5.0.28 
on Linux.  It occurs sporadically, sometimes a couple times a day, 
sometimes after weeks.  I see no errors in the log file and no core 
dumps.  At first I thought it was the JVM crashing but I've tracked it 
down to the JVM shutting down normally somehow, as if somewhere 
System.exit was being called.  I put a security policy in place and 
enabled the security manager to prevent the System.exit call so I 
should find the culprit in my log files the next time its called.

To test if this is what's happening, add a shutdownHook when your app 
starts like this:

public class ExitListener implements ServletContextListener {

     public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
         Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ExitListenerThread());
         System.out.println("ExitListener installed shutdown hook");

     public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {

public class ExitListenerThread extends Thread {
     public void run() {
         System.out.println("ExitListenerThread running!!!");
         System.out.println("current time is: " + new java.util.Date());

Hope this helps.

On Jan 14, 2005, at 2:04 PM, David Vandaele wrote:

> Hi,
> We're experiencing Tomcat crashes during stresstesting of a 
> webapplication.
> Situation: Tomcat runs as a Windows service.  During stresstests the 
> Tomcat-services suddenly ends "unexpectedly".  The Windows eventlog 
> logs states something like: "...service ended unexpectedly..."  The 
> problem is not easily or consistently reproducable...
> When I look at all the logs of Tomcat and of our webapplication, no 
> mention of an exception or error or crash whatsoever !(?)  (They all 
> just stop abruptly)
> First I thought it was an OutOfMemoryError problem.  I forced an 
> OutOfMemoryError myself by limiting the memory of the JVM of Tomcat 
> severely.  But then I could see loggings of an OutOfMemoryError in the 
> Tomcat stderr-log, which is not what I expected because I didn't 
> expect any loggings of a crash at all...
> The problem only *seems* to occur when the servermachine is completely 
> left alone (not logged in or locked)  Additionally, it usually occurs 
> after between 30-70 minutes or so.  When I keep monitoring the machine 
> while the same tests are running the crash doesn't seem to occur ?!  
> Could it be a power-saving issue, like e.g. with the network-adaptor ? 
>  Then I would not expect a crash, but a stacktrace ?
> I tried adding a try-catch(Throwable) around a method where everything 
> starts (the process method of my Struts ActionServlet). I've been 
> trying to reproduce the problem since, but as I mentioned, it's not 
> consistently reproducable...
> I've searched the net trying to find related problems, or a JVM 
> problem of some kind with this version, haven't been successful 
> though...  If it is a problem with bad memory, I would expect to see 
> different behaviour, like more random crashes, not only of the Tomcat 
> service...
> Environment: Tomcat 4.1.29, JDK 1.4.2_03, Windows 2000ProSP4, 
> bi-processor Xeon machine.
> Any help/advice/ideas is really welcome and appreciated !
> Kind regards,
> David
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