Hi All,
I have a JSP page that eventually opens Excel page.
I got my content type set to be "application/vnd.ms-excel"
I also work with FOP to serialize the Excel.
I got this working for both Win 2000 and XP , and for Office XP and 2003, but 
for Office 2000 I got an Error generating the Ecxel.
If i look at localhost access log, I see that the page is somehow been called 2 
again  times:
GET /ExcelReportGenerationPage.jsp?reportName=ResourceExcelRep HTTP/1.1" 200 
LOCK /ExcelReportGenerationPage.jsp?reportName%3DResourceExcelRep HTTP/1.1" 500 
GET /eBopBrowser/jsp/ReportGenerationPage.jsp?reportName=ResourceExcelRep 
HTTP/1.1" 200 5120
I know that 500 indicates an internal Error of the server, but i don't 
understand what is the lock doing here.
I understand that it relates ot webDav - but why is it here? od i use WebDav 
without my knowledge?
I use tomcat 5.027
How come in Excel 2000 i got this Error? 
I looked in Microsoft and FOP mailing lists as well with no success.
Any one?
Sun House

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