I have a very strange problem.  Here is my setup:

Windows Server 2003
Tomcat 5.5.4
Sun's jdk 1.5.0 build 1.5.0-b64

Whenever Tomcat serves a page from my site it gets into an infinite
loop.  This happens even when serving a simple html file, so I'm
pretty sure that it's not related to my application.  The strange
thing is, even though it gets into an infinite loop (error messages
don't stop on the command prompt), it serves the page without any
problems.  Here is my host setup in server.xml.

<Host name="www.XXX.com" appBase="e:/fileserver/webapps"
unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false" xmlValidation="false"
        <Context path="" docBase="websites/TR/Istanbul/RC"
crossContext="true" caseSensitive="false" />
        <Context path="/apps" docBase="apps" crossContext="true"
caseSensitive="false" />

Can this be something to do with my URL?  I don't want to provide it
for now, but it's a 4 character alphanumberic URL in the AA##.com
format (A = Alpha, # = Numeric)...

I'm really stuck...  Any ideas?



PS: Here is some of my error log...

  <message>Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception</message>

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