I have this weird problem with an instance of tomcat 4.1.30 running on
Windows Server 2003. Tomcat output (log messages) is directed into
CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out. Every 4 hours a little log rotation
script runs while tomcat is active. It zips catalina.out into an
archived logs folder and then truncates it. All this seems to work ok
and you end up with a small 1KB file. 


The problem is that the next log entry to catalina.out (from the next
request) is preceded by around 9MB of white space! After heaving this
load it settles down and writes log messages normally. Until the next
rotation that is. Then the same thing happens. At the first http request
to the server after catalina.out is trucated, boom, around 9 more MB of
white space is dumped into it. Not the exact same amount as before.
Actually, the amount has been going on for several months and the actual
amount of white space spew has been increasing. It started out around


Has anyone seen this or something similar? I don't see this behavior on
Linux servers. The same script works fine. I feel I should also mention
that this server is configured to reply to SSL (https:) requests
although I'm not sure this is relevant info.


-Tom Cervenka

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