Just from a curiosity standpoint Jack... I've already decided it's not an approach I'd advocate, but I am interested to know how you serve things like graphics and stylesheets from under WEB-INF. I assume all your graphics are actually server by an Action (a trick I've pulled when serving images from a database), and I further assume your stylesheets aren't just linked in...

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Dakota Jack wrote:
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:57:33 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti

I think his problem is probably linking to stylesheets and such...
Actually, now I have to ask you... if you put *everything* under
WEB-INF, I assume you are serving all graphics from a fronting web
server then?  Otherwise, any document returned to the user that links
back to a resource under WEB-INF won't be reachable, which was the crux
of his problem as I understood it, that's why he was talking about
includes and such all over the place.  But, if you really are serving
everything from there, how are you doing it?  Just curious at this point :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Dakota Jack wrote:

I don't know why you are saying that css and/or js must be placed
directly under "WebRoot".  Why do you?  I can give you various
solutions, once I find out what the problem is supposed to be.  There
is no issue, by the way, with putting your JSP files under WEB-INF.
There are other ways to protect access, but this is, I think, a good
one too.



Frank, are you still interested in this?  I just noticed it.


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