Bingo! That was it. I changed it from "file://" to "file:///" and all
works now. You earlier mentioned that might be it - but I was so focused
on the fact that it worked on Java 1.4.1 that I figured I had it

That is weird though that moving past Java 1.4.1 breaks this.

Thank you once again, very much - Richard

Thomas DeWeese wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>     What is 'imageURLProtocol'  I'm guessing it's "file://"
> I think it should be either "file:///" or "file:/".
> Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
>> Thomas DeWeese wrote:
>>> Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
>>>> I checked my SVG markup and am not sure how I would change this as
>>>> I'm using an xlink:href. Here is an example:
>>>>       xlink:href="images/allTimeBest/<c:out
>>>> value="${cmSummary.allTimeBestIcon}"/>"
>>>    This means that it is using the base URL for the document
>>> to resolve the image reference.  The base URL for the
>>> document would be provided when you parse the document.
>> I have set the base directory as follows:
>>   String httpBaseDir = ".";
>>   imageURLProtocol = getInitParameter("imageURLProtocol");
>>   String baseDir = this.getServletContext().getRealPath(httpBaseDir);
>>   userAgent = new FOUserAgent();
>>   userAgent.setBaseURL(imageURLProtocol+baseDir);
>>"init - setting httpBaseDir='"+httpBaseDir+"',
>> baseDir='"+baseDir+"'");
>> Here is the output from the last "log" statement:
>>   09:20:23,646  INFO [main] SVG2PDFServlet:112 - init - setting
>> httpBaseDir='.', baseDir='c:\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7\webapps\stars\.'
>> I think I am setting this base directory correctly. Maybe not?
>> 09:20:56,146 ERROR [TP-Processor2] PDFXMLHandler:253 - svg graphic
>> could not be built: file://c:/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7/webapps/stars/.:-1
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