I would suggest either a process monitor or using cron to run script every minute or so that would use wget to get a test page and if it fails, restart tomcat. I've been using the latter of the two with good success for a while.

Of course, I'm assuming your using Linux or the like, but if you're on Win then you can set the recovery options under services.

I'm not aware of anything inherent in Tomcat.


Robert McIntosh wrote:


I'm supporting a web application running on Apache (2.0x)
/Tomcat(5.0.x) w/ mod-jk.  The web application seems to cause Tomcat
(5.0.28) to fail on average once a week.  Restarting tomcat tends to
do the trick, however this is in a production enviornment.

I've been looking for a "restart-on-failure" script or inherent
feature in Tomcat that can perform this.   Please forward me
information on how to monitor Tomcat for error conditions and restart
the application.


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