Complete guess here, but you might want to check permission settings for the
Tomcat home (installation) directory - and also see that you've got a Tomcat
user account set up, etc.

I have a no-login 'tomcat' user, and permissions for the Tomcat home
directory (and all its contents) is assigned to that user.

> if I manually run script with start argument...

What happens when you call the 'tomcatd' script (from the console) without
any arguments? (Surely that's what happens when the system calls 'tomcatd'?)

Harry Mantheakis

> Fedora Core 3 using Gnome
> Installed Tomcat 5.5.4, created tomcatd script to start tomcat in
> /etc/rc.d/init.d, chmod +755 tomcatd chkconfig --add tomcatd 5 on
> On startup it says it's starting tomcatd, yet tomcat is not run.  if I
> manually run script with start argument it starts fine.
> I've tried searching google, and everyone says put the script in init.d
> and chmod it, which I've already done.
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