I figured it out... kinda of obvious after the fact actually...

My catalina_home Ant property was defined as ../../../

You see, all the paths in the build script are defined relative to the
build file, which is always in the directory "source" in the root of the
webapp.  Everything else works this way, but not catalina_home.

I defined it as c:\tomcat instead and everything works again.  It would be
nice if I could define in relatively like all the rest, so if anyone has
any ideas, I'm all ears.  But, failing that, I can live with this one
absolute path in the build script.

Sorry for the list noise :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, February 17, 2005 11:02 am, Frank W. Zammetti said:
> Hello all.  I have an Ant build script for an application that stops
> Tomcat if it's running, deletes the work folder for the application (so I
> can ensure all JSPs get recompiled) and starts Tomcat again.  Here's the
> two relevant tasks:
> <target name="tomcat_cleanup">
>   <delete dir="${app_base_dir}/../../work/Catalina/localhost/toa" />
> </target>
> <target name="start_tomcat">
>   <exec executable="${catalina_home}/bin/startup.bat" os="Windows XP"
> spawn="true">
>     <env key="CATALINA_HOME" value="${catalina_home}" />
>   </exec>
> </target>
> app_base_dir is properly defined (I know because the work folder DOES get
> deleted) pointing to the root of the webapp, as is cataline_home (because
> Tomcat DOES start up).  Here's the problem... When I access the first page
> on my application (index.jsp in the root of the webapp), I get the
> following:
> The file or path you specified (..\..\..\\bin\bootstrap.jar) is invalid
> relative to C:\tomcat
>       org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils.resolveFile(FileUtils.java:761)
>       org.apache.tools.ant.Project.resolveFile(Project.java:1293)
> <snip - I'm beting the whole stack trace isn't important>
> Anyone have any ideas?  Funny thing is, if I manually run startup.bat,
> sure enough everything works perfectly as it should.  I don't get it.
> Thanks all!
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> http://www.omnytex.com
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