OK, yes it turned out to be one of those "dumb" configuration errors -
BUT also a difference in how Tomcat 5.5.7 (or maybe is is Commons DBCP
1.2.1) behaves under Windows versus Linux.

I had camelcased the "username" property in the context.xml "<Resource "
tag as "userName". This worked under Windows, but NOT for Linux.

Anyway, all seems to be working great now that I used just plain

Thanks for the earlier help and suggestions.

 - Richard

Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
> We have been using Sun Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 5.0.19, MySQL 4.1.7, MySQL
> Connector/J 3.0.15 with Hibernate 2.1.7c with no problems. This is on
> both Windows XP Pro SP2 (development) and SuSE Linux SLES9 (test and
> production).
> In order to get failover to work the way we wanted we upgraded to
> Tomcat
> 5.5.7 and Sun Java 1.5. The main change in our application was the new
> format for data soruces in the application context. No problem on
> Windows XP. We've tried to install on one of our Linux servers and are
> having no end of grief getting a DB connection to properly happen.
> Any help or ideas would be much appreciated. I've included the
> application context and the catalina log error messages below.
> Thanks in advance - Richard
> <Context path="/stars" docBase="stars" debug="99" reloadable="true"
>     privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false"
> antiJARLocking="true"
>     <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>         prefix="stars." suffix=".log" timestamp="true"/>
>     <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
>           driverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
> connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://
>       t=true&amp;autoCommit=true" connectionName="ltojsw"
>            connectionPassword="586579" userTable="PoAssociate"
>        userNameCol="userid" userCredCol="password"
>     userRoleTable="PoUserRole" roleNameCol="roleName" /> <Resource
>                          name="jdbc/stars" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>                          auth="Container"
>                     maxActive="100"
>                       maxIdle="10"
>                       maxWait="10000"
>             defaultAutoCommit="true"
>                      userName="ltojsw"
>                      password="586579"
>               driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
> url="jdbc:mysql://
> oReconnect=true&amp;autoCommit=true"
>               removeAbandoned="true"
>         removeAbandonedTimeout="60"
>                   logAbandoned="true"
>     />
> </Context>
> <SNIP>
> 19:37:27,642  INFO [http-8080-Processor25]
> DatasourceConnectionProvider:51 - Using datasource:
> java:comp/env/jdbc/stars 19:37:27,648  INFO [http-8080-Processor25]
> TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup
> configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache
> is not recommended)
> AbandonedObjectPool is used
>    LogAbandoned: true RemoveAbandoned: true
>    RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 60
> 19:37:41,696  WARN [http-8080-Processor25] SettingsFactory:107 - Could
> not obtain connection metadata
> org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create
> PoolableConnectionFactory (Server connection failure during
> transaction. Due to underlying exception: 'java.sql.SQLException:
> Access denied for user ''@'kingfishS11' (using password: YES)'.
> java.sql.SQLException
> MESSAGE: Access denied for user ''@'kingfishS11' (using password: YES)
> java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user ''@'kingfishS11' (using
> password: YES) <SNIP>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
> Sorry to repost - but, except for some great suggestions from
> Shakeel, I have not made much progress on this. To my way of thinking
> this seems maddenly simple - either a config error or possibly bug.
> But what?
> So my first place to start is to try and see where it is that the
> userName property get mangled or swallowed. I've double checkd and it
> is correctly specified in my context.xml But by the time the failure
> occurs, it is a null or empty string.
> So, how can I enable logging on my DBCP datasource so that I can see
> where the connection "userName" property gets trashed? I've tried
> putting org.apache.commons.dbcp in my log4j.properties, but do not
> seem to get any additional output. Once I can see if things are
> passed correctly here, I'll look at the MySQL Connector/J logging
> (although it is not obvious how to do this).
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks - Richard

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