On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 19:21:54 -0800 (PST), raghavendra datt
> I verified. No fire wall is enabled in my machine.
> also I tried changing port to something else (8789)
> and still am getting the page can not be diplayed
> error. I dont understand what is preventing from
> accessing port.
> i tried giving telnet localhost 8789 and its not
> connecting to it.. what else can be the reason for not
> hitting the port?
> How to know whether the server is running properly or
> not? because, when i start tomcat it looks fine and
> open in another window.. but, can not access it. :(

Have you tried running the startup.bat file manually to see if it
generates any errors?

A common cause of errors on Windows is due to spaces in directory
paths, could it be due to something like that?

Also try turning off "Show friendly HTTP errors" in IE, that option
has to be the single most annoying option I have seen, nothing annoys
me more when I get a screenshot of that friendly error page that tells
you absolutely nothing about the real problem.

Jason Bainbridge
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