
I am wondering if anyone out there has any experience with tuning
Tomcat  to improve performance in high latency (~700ms) environments?
I've basically just been experimenting and learning what I can from
the available resources on the web but there doesn't seem to be much
out there that mentions performance over high latency links.

The situation we have is that we have a server in London running
Tomcat 5.5.4 (the version released when we commenced testing, can
upgrade this if need be) using the in-built Coyote HTTP connector with
SSL enabled, which works great for most users but when some of our
remote sites over a satellite link the performance is borderline

The reason I haven't setup Apache in front of Tomcat is mainly as I
needed a simplified solution to help me push Tomcat as an alternative
as previously we were using Macromedia Jrun 4 and having no end of
trouble with the complete lack of persistence. However if there are
good, quantified reasons to put Apache on the server then that isn't
out of the question.

One thing our network guys have said after looking at traces is that
the packets Tomcat sends seem to never be larger than 590 bytes but I
can't find anything within Tomcat's configuration that would be
governing that as they suggest if the packets were larger then the
performance over high latency would increase, does anyone have any
ideas on that? The only time the packets are greater than 590 bytes is
when the browser sends it's request to the server.

Another observation is that we've dropped from over 110 connections
with Jrun down to 8 connections in our tests since the change to
Tomcat, and we are getting 2 of those connections in parallel for our
11 step test script. Is there anything within Tomcat's configuration
that would reduce the number of connections even more or is that just
related to the nature of HTTP?

Our current Connector properties are:

<Connector port="8443" 
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
                   noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata" 
               acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true" 
               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
keystoreFile="E:\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4\.keystore" />

The application isn't one under particularly high load and at the
moment our main focus is the performance from our remote sites but the
above setup more than adequately performs under our required load
testing, Jrun plugged into IIS would handle (only just) about 150
concurrent users running our script and Tomcat flies along with 300
concurrent users so load handling wise I have mangement sold and just
need to work on the performance over high latency links.

Any insight anyone can provide would be much appreciated.

Jason Bainbridge - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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