I just put up a new app on Mac OSX server, Apache 2.0.47, mod_jk 1.2.4 and
Tomcat 5.5.4.

I currently have it configured to work in the following ways:
http://apps:8080/appname   <--- straight out of the box.
http://app/appname   <-- mod_jk and virtual hosts.

When I run the application through the virtual host, after several logins
and data grabs the application throws an internal 500 error, and Tomcat
dies.  It doesn't leave any error message in either apache log files, or the
catalina log files.  I have also enabled the log4J in DEBUG, and no help
their.  I can reproduce the error by logging in and out from several users.

If I run the app directly on the app server using the 8080 address it works
fine.  The process that I normally use to crash the app doesn't seem to

Also when I run this on my dev environment, I can't reproduce the problem,
the only difference that I can tell is that the virtual host name isn't

Any thoughts or ideas?  I am really stumped on solving this one.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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